Keep project name all in lowercase or you will get an error (this just started of recent). Then after it has been installed globally, you can now use it to create a project create-react-app projectname

How to Install Angular CLI on Ubuntu 20.04. angular/cli ngtools/webpack 8.3.29 schematics/angular 8.3.0 (cli-only) schematics/update 0.803.0 (cli-only) rxjs.

To find out installed Angular version execute following command from terminal. Simply run: npm install -g create-react-app Angular provides ng command to work with command line. npm init OR npm init -yĪlternatively, you can use the library created by the good facebook folks to bootstrap a react project so that you do not have to worry about webpack, babel-core and the rest. We highly recommend always using the LTS version of Node. These versions are not tested with Quasar and often cause issues due to their experimental nature. Installing Node: sudo apt install nodejs. Make sure that you have Node >12.22.1 and NPM >6.14.12 installed on your machine.
Or you can use npm init -y to skip all questions. We will be installing node from Ubuntu’s repository, so lets first update the package information on our Ubuntu system updating the versions for each package, dependencies and all. Developer-oriented, front-end framework with VueJS components for best-in-class high-performance, responsive websites, PWA, SSR, Mobile and Desktop apps, all from the same codebase. To open this directory in Windows File Explorer, open your WSL command line, select your home directory using cd, then enter the command explorer.exe. You can press enter for all of the questions asked during the npm init. Installing a Linux distribution with WSL will create a directory for storing files: wslUbuntu-20.04 (substitute Ubuntu-20.04 with whatever Linux distribution youre using). Initialize your npm project and add all your project lib/dependencies. twilio Unleash the power of Twilio from your command prompt. When installed globally, webpack can be run using webpack command from the Command prompt/Terminal window. Make a project directory to build your app: mkdir reactApp Two options: Install Globally: npm install -g webpack. Assuming you do not have anything installed yet, install nodejs and npm using: sudo apt-get install nodejs npm