The runners' goal is to have one runner free for a certain amount of time and this amount of time depends on the server, but is usually about a minute. There are two teams in this GMod game mode and they are the runners (which are the bad guys) and the police.
Third on the list of popular game modes in Garry's Mod download is Cops and Robbers. This is a pretty simple, yet very fun game inside your Gmod download and a lot of the maps it is played on are always a blast to learn. If the terrorists kill all of the traitors, the terrorists also win. If the traitor does not kill all of the terrorists by the end of the time limit, the terrorists win. This person's objective is to go through measures to figure out who is a traitor, and who is not. There is also a detective if there is enough people.

Depending on the number of people playing, there can be two or more traitors, and these guys must work together to kill all of the terrorists. This is the hard way of doing it, so it is best for you to secretly and strategically kill each and every one of the terrorists. If you do not do this and everyone finds out you are the traitor, everyone will be hunting you down and you have to take out each and every one of them. As the traitor, you must act like the other terrorists and kill each and every one of them secretly. For them to do this properly, they must be very sneaky when killing the other terrorists. The only hint is that the traitor must kill all of the other terrorists to win. This is hard to do because all of you spawn and look exactly the same. In this game mode everyone spawns as a terrorist, and the objective is for all of the terrorists to find the 'traitor' among the terrorists. The next game mode on the list is Trouble in Terrorist Town. So this game you can get downloading Gmod free is a bit like Hide and Seek, but Hide and Seek is another game mode that we will mention later on in this review. There are hundreds of Prop Hunt maps available online that you are able to use on your server, or you are able to create your own if you know how to. If the Hunters do kill all of the props, then the Hunters win the round. If even one of the props are not found, the Props team wins when the time runs limit runs out. In order to 'find' the prop, you must shoot and kill the person behind the prop in order to eliminate them. If you are a Hunter, your objective is to find the props by either picking them up, waiting for one to move, finding one out of place, or shooting them. When you are a prop, it is best to act like the prop and find a spot that the prop would normally spawn in, and do not move. Depending on the map, there are literally thousands of objects you are able to turn into. When you transform into this object, the objective is to blend into the map as well as possible so the Hunters cannot find you. If you are a prop, you start out as a scientist character and go around the map selecting objects to transform into.

In Prop Hunt, there are two teams: Props and Hunters. Just to do a bit of description of the game modes that are in GMod game: Prop Hunt is the first one up on the list.